Unmet health needs can have a severely detrimental effect on a child’s wellbeing.
Plans must be put in place with the guidance and direction of the medical professionals involved with the child to ensure they have a solid base from which to thrive.
No child should be held back from achieving their potential.
Education can be a challenge regardless of the stability of a child’s experience in their early years.
When you factor in education missed through disruption to home life, SEN or attending a provision that cannot support the child effectively a child’s fear of failure can be compounded.
Children who have had negative experiences of education are the most difficult to re-engage. It is therefore imperative assessment for learning takes place so that they can receive the educational support they need in a setting that is resourced for whatever that may be.
Care must be delivered by those that are competent and confident.
If a child lacks faith in the skills of their carers or the implementation of their care they will feel unsafe.
Children who have had a sudden placement move will already feel unsafe and it is critical at this point to provide high quality care.